This online eLearning module is hosted on the Coaching Association of Canada’s online Locker. The updated coaching course, The Coach’s Guide To The NBIAA, was developed in partnership with Coach NB, with assistance from the Coaching Association of Canada.
All registered members on the coaching staff must have successfully completed a NBIAA Coaching Certification course, prior to the beginning of the sport season. If a coach is not certified, they will not be able to coach until they have taken and passed the course.
A quote from Peter Niedre, the Director of the CAC:
“High school sport is a crucial link to the Canadian Sport System as it often provides the first exposure to a new sport for many student athletes, or another avenue for athletes to progress through representing their school. Coaches play a huge role to create a positive and exciting sport environment for athletes through their high school career. A Coaches Guide to the NBIAA eLearning Module will be an outstanding resource for new coaches to support them in their programs and help understand their role in putting student athletes first.”
A Coach’s Guide to the NBIAA has been designed to educate the teacher coach, as well as the non-teacher coach who has volunteered to coach in a New Brunswick high school. This FREE online course will help coaches to understand NBIAA policies, school procedures, and the role of a high school coach.
Please click HERE to access ‘The Locker’ to login using your NCCP# or create one and take the course under the navigation bar for ‘ELEARNING’.
To view coaches who have completed the course, go to and click on ‘Public Transcript‘ and enter their NCCP number and their last name.
Please refer to the NBIAA website for further details on required courses.