The Coach Wellness Support Program  

One of the saddest ironies in sport is that although coaches strive to provide an enjoyable and healthy experience for their athletes to develop and perform optimally, too often they approach their job in a manner that has the opposite effect on their own well-being. With coaches being called upon to fill multiple roles (motivator, organizer, counsellor, mediator, manager,  cheerleader, etc.) and serving others as they do, we are seeing a trend of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion among the coach population.  

The aim of this program is to provide wellness support to coaches in a multi-faceted way. Specifically, the optional monthly activity component of the Coach NB wellness support program will offer coaches an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection as well as provide tools that can help coaches prioritize their own well-being. 

Activity Types 

Personal reflection activities that you can think about, write down in your notebook,  discuss with your support network, and contemplate throughout the month. 

Brief video activities that you can share online through your socials. Be sure to tag  Coach NB to get your PD point! 

Picture activities where you can share your progress or completion with others participating in the program. Be sure to share with Coach NB to get your PD point! 

How to Use These Monthly Activities 

Depending on your own learning style and preferences, as well as what you need right now in  your life / have the capacity to allow, there are several ways you might use the monthly coach  wellness activities: 

  • Go through the monthly activity slowly and reflectively. Ask friends and family to take part as well. Treat the activity as a reward you’ve earned, rather than an assignment to complete. Each of the questions you are asked to consider is intended to help you write your own narrative about who you are as a coach, what you do best, and what you might do more of to make your job and life more satisfying. 
  • Set a little bit of time aside each day/week to jot down any notes or thoughts related to the monthly activity. Remain open to what you feel, think, and experience between scheduled writing sessions. It isn’t the exercises themselves that matter so much as what they stimulate inside you, sometimes when you least expect it. 
  • For those of you who prefer to engage with others, consider completing the monthly video or picture activity and sharing your results through social media. Tag other coaches and challenge them to do the same. 

Benefits of the activities 

Besides the personal benefits related to reflection and introspection, coaches will earn 1 PD  point for each activity they complete and share with Coach NB.  

Coaches who tag and challenge other individuals within the coaching community will also earn entries into a gift card draw!

Monthly Activities

Month 1 – Putting the “I” in your coaching philosophy.  

Month 2 – Wheel of Harmony

Month 3 – Setting Daily Intentions

Month 4 – Utilizing pieces of time confetti

Month 5 – Be a self-care detective

Month 6 –  Hat Switching

Month 7 – Start, Stop Continue & Commit