Coach New Brunswick is dedicated at increasing the number of confident and competent women and girl coaches in the province. For this reason, we have put in place a number of key initiatives and programs in place to help reduce the barriers for these individuals.
Available Programs:
Women and Girls Mentorship Program

Canada Games Women Apprenticeship Program
The Women in Coaching Canada Games Apprenticeship Program (WIC) is a partnership between the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCRs), the Canada Games Council (CGC), and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). This program provides the opportunity for each province and territory to send 2 female Coaches to the Canada Games in apprenticeship roles. The CGC, the CAC, and PTCRs strongly believe that the apprenticeship program is an essential part of the development of a Coach. Furthermore, apprenticeship programs can be used as a means to build capacity in underrepresented populations in coaching, such as women.
The Coach NB Women to Watch Grant Program is a key initiative that will provide financial assistance to women coaches looking to advance in their coaching pathway. Grants will be awarded to women coaches in the Province of New Brunswick to assist them in further developing the skills necessary to attain a higher level of coaching or increased level of coaching experience. The grant aims at helping to offset cost associated with their coach development (i.e., course/event fees, travel, childcare…).
Coach NB is available to host Canadian Women and Sport: Women in Leadership Workshops, a series of five professional development workshops that blend theory with practical applications, and provide an opportunity for women working or volunteering in the sport or physical activity sector to share their experiences, reflect on ideas, develop their skills, and build their networks.
For more information about any of these programs, please contact:
Manon Ouellette, Executive Director
(506)444.3888 ext. 1
The Women in Coaching Program Manager; Madeline Belding